6. radionica dionika u okviru SHELTER projekta
The overall objective of the Shelter (Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience) is to establish cross-scale, multidimensional, data driven and community based operational knowledge framework for heritage-led and conservation-friendly resilience enhancement and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change and natural hazards. Details about the project available here: https://shelter-project.com/.
On 14 December 2022, the International Sava River Basin Commission jointly with the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture for Europe and with support of other Shelter project partners held online the sixth Open Lab workshop.
The main objective of the workshop was the initial demonstration and testing of Shelter tools, namely: Resilience dashboard, Strategic Decision Support System dashboard, Social and Rapid mapping dashboard, Risk Assessment dashboard (including validation of risk assessment methodology).