SDIP - project in focus

On August 31, 2022, International Sava River Basin Commission and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, acting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility, signed the Grant Agreement for the purpose of financing the regional activities (Part 4-Regional Cooperation) under the Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program (SDIP)-Phase I.
Regional part of the SDIP is based on the Joint Plan of Actions for the Sava River Basin, a distinct platform for the development projects, prepared by the International Sava River Basin Commission with support of the World Bank in 2017 and Joint Statement on Plan of Action and Milestones for the Sava River Basin as a Catalyst for Cooperation in the region, signed by the representatives of the Parties to the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin and Montenegro, at Bled, Republic of Slovenia, on June 15, 2017.
SDIP Part 4 - Regional Cooperation aims to strengthen strategic regional dialogue, joint planning and sustainable management and development of the shared water resources in the Sava River Basin. Regional activities includes building resilience to climatic shocks, supports policy dialogue, promotes intersectoral development synergies and economic cooperation in the Sava and Drina Corridors. Through Regional аctivities following studies and plans of the basin-wide relevance will be developed:
  • Hydrological study for the Sava River Basin
  • Study on Sediment, Water and Biota in the Sava River Basin
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Sava River Basin
  • Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Sava River Basin
  • Updates of the Sava River Basin and Flood Risk Management plans
  • 1st Sediment Management Plan for the Sava River Basin
  • Enhancement of the existing Sava GIS and HIS capabilities
  • Improvement, extension and operationalization of flood and low-flow warning and forecasting system in the Sava River basin
  • Update of the Joint Statement on guiding principals for inland navigation and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin
 The SDIP program will be implemented through multiphase programmatic approach during the 10 years period. Currently on going is phase I, which lasts until July 2026.