2nd phase of the U.S. Government support to the Sava countries
Start/End: December 01, 2014 - May 18, 2018
Funded by: U.S. Government
Main accomplishments:
- hydrological and meterological data collected necessary for calibration of the models: time-series data for the period 2009-2014; data on 13 dams and reservoirs; data on 7 gates and weirs; data on channels and pumping stations
- HEC-HMS hydrological model for the Sava River Basin developed and distributed to the respective institutions
- hydrologic modelling workshop held in Zagreb from 02-03 March 2017
- HEC-RAS hydraulic model for the Sava River and main tributaries developed and distributed to the respective institutions
- a new river geometry provided through the LiDAR based data collection
- hydraulic modelling workshop was held in Zagreb from 15-17 May 2018
- IT equipment purchase necessary for delivery of results of the previously described activities, as well as for the functioning of the Sava FFWS. IT equipment (hardware and software) was delivered to each institution in December 2017, while the Sava FFWS servers were successfully installed at five Sava FFWS hosting organizations.