

Mjere zaštite od širenja virusa SARS-CoV-2 država članica Savske komisije u području unutarnje plovidbe - Informacija

The Sava Commission member states have commenced implementation of special measures in the field of water transport in order to prevent the spread of infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
As most European countries have already restricted or prohibited the movement and traffic of both cargo and passengers, we ask all those who, for any reason, plan to navigate the Sava River to contact competent port authorities and get informed on the existing restrictions and prohibitions of navigation.
We will continue to publish on our website all notices to skipper delivered to us by the competent authorities of the Sava Commission Member States. 
Here, below we provide the links to the web pages of the competent ministries of transport in the Sava Commission member states, where you can get official information from the countries:
 as well as a link to the Danube Commission website